We’re confident that you’ll find our painting quote easy to understand as well as thorough. We also know that you don’t want any nasty cost surprises halfway through the project so we’ll give you an upfront fixed price.
We’ll make sure that our painting quotation process is efficient and completely clear. We measure, take photos and spend a great deal of time understanding what needs to be done before creating the painting quote. We’ll make sure that you know exactly what you’re getting when you choose us. We will continue to maintain a dialogue with you throughout the painting job to ensure the result is exactly what you want.
Our extensive experience and professionalism have been honed down to a proven 9-step process from our painting quote through to clean up. Each step of the painting process is focussed on your satisfaction. Our process combined with our expert workmanship means we achieve a result that is second to none. Read about our proven 9-step process here